Getting your bearings
What ATS can offer you
If you need a translation to be done and it has to be
done well, then you'll need a professional linguist to help you ...
- someone who speaks the target language perfectly (and
is highly proficient at writing it as well)
- someone who's familiar with the subject matter or is able to familiarise himself with it quickly
- ... and someone who also knows what style to use to
address your audience appropriately (just like the person who wrote the
original document).
This is where Amper Translation Service comes in handy.
ATS is a translation and proof-reading agency based near Munich in
South Germany and has an international network of professional
translators and
editors at its disposal, all of whom translate texts into their mother
tongue(s). Much of the work we get from customers is actually done
in house, ensuring quick turnaround times if necessary.
The agency's main
is on editing texts
written in English and on
translating from
German into English and English
into German. We also translate into several other
European languages (see
the Languages page for the current list).
Having worked in the translation industry for a number
of years, my colleagues and I are all familiar with a broad range of subjects. Each
member of my team of freelance translators also has specialist knowledge
of at least one of the
fields ATS covers, and you can be sure translators with a good
understanding of your particular field will always get assigned to your
own projects.
It's this combination of knowledge and skills that
enables ATS to produce high-quality translations and well-edited texts time and again.
What do you want to know about?
For more details about ATS, just click here.
Click here to go to the Subject Areas page and
see what fields ATS can handle.
To see what a few of my regular customers have to say
about the agency, just click here.
The languages ATS currently offers are listed on the Languages page.
(Incidentally, you'll find some links to useful online
dictionaries and other reference works you can use yourself on the Resources pages. These
are both monolingual and multilingual tools.)
At ATS, you'll find I put a lot of emphasis on
competent, friendly service, quality and transparency. You can learn
more about these aspects of our work and get to know us by clicking on About ATS.
A special service I offer in addition to translation is
described in the section on Editing.
This service is primarily intended for companies, publishing
houses, academic institutions and research institutes
that wish to get an independent native
speaker to check the foreign-language texts written by their staff
before these are published.
Finally, some general information about the cost of my
language services is provided on the Pricing
page. Please request a free, non-binding quotation if you have a specific assignment in
mind as the rates and turnaround times vary.
Getting in touch with ATS
To get in touch with ATS quickly, you can send me an
e-mail or just give me a call - you'll find the details you need on my Contact page.
This section also includes the firm's postal address,
which you'll need if you want to send me a text for a quotation, a
printed purchase order or a copy of a publication we have
translated for you, for example.
Sending me work to translate
If the text you want to have translated is already
available as an electronic file, please e-mail
it to me or send it to
ATS on a CD-ROM. This will make it much easier for me to measure the
file in question and make you a quote quickly. I can process a variety
of file formats used
on Windows operating systems. File transfer by FTP or other means is
also possible in the case of large files, so please ask about that if
Having a text in an electronic form is also convenient
for my translators, as all they need to do is make a digital copy of
the file and overwrite the copy in their own language.
This is often faster than creating a new document from
scratch and also means the translation will have exactly the same
appearance as the original text.
These factors all serve to increase our turnaround rate
and shorten the length of the project for you.
Working for ATS
Translators and proofreaders interested in working for
ATS on a freelance basis are requested to read the profiles that I've
written on our German site before applying. Click here for more details.
++ NB: An excellent
command of German is generally a basic requirement. Our main target language by far is English. ++
Why not get in
touch with me about the project you've got in mind? I look
forward to hearing from you, whether
you're a prospective customer or a freelance translator interested in
working for us.

Carl Carter, manager
Amper Translation Service
P.S. If you want to find
some specific information quickly on the website, click on the site map
in the navigation bar on the left or try searching for keywords.
Amper Translation Service, ATS, overview, translation,
editing, translator, editor, proofreader, linguist, translation agency,
Germany, telecoms, information technology, IT, business management, academic translations,
automotive, patents, law, commerce, commercial translations, languages,
quality, subjects, subject areas, fields, staff, sales presentations,
training courses, manuscripts, dissertations, research papers, online
dictionaries, resources, tools, site map, search, customers, clients,